Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media. by Aliza Licht (5/5)


Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media. by Aliza Licht
Genres: Career, Self-Help
Pages: 259

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Aliza Licht has had a long and sucessful career in the fashion industry…after she abandoned her pre-med major and plan to become a plastic surgeon when she grew up. Starting in fashion magazines as assistant accessories editors, to finally becomeing a P.R. executive for DKNY, Licht has had a wide bredth of experience and knowlege to draw upon, creating this career-oriented book for the young women who is starting her professional life. From starting your career, to office how-to’s, to creating a strong personal brand, Licht covers every arena for every young woman to own her career and herself.


As a lover of fashion, I was instantly drawn into Aliza’s world. From the crazy bosses who are very Devil Wears Prada-esqe, to the glamourous world of award shows and red carpets, Aliza’s personal career story fascinated me and made me question my career choices more than once. In every chapter, Aliza gives you more insight into her personal story and then quickly translates what happen to her into real-life, tangable career advice. I loved this format — easy to digest and entertaining, while still getting the message across.

To any female college student, high school student, or recent grad, I would highly recommend this book. It gives you incredible advice without sounding preachy, just like your cool older sister.

Next time you get coffee, Aliza, can I come with?

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